

How can you help your family be more physically active and get enough exercise to stay healthy? Move more and sit less, indoors or outdoors, in your everyday routine.

Here are 26 tips to help you and your family be more active.

  1. 布置你的花园! Gardening, lawn mowing and yard work are a great way to get active outdoors. No yard? 没有问题. Try container gardening or a local community garden.

  2. 多动一动! There are lots of fun and easy ways to build more activity into your everyday routine.

  3. 穿你所拥有的. You don’t need special clothing to simply get out and walk. 一个舒适的, 一双支撑的鞋子 一些基本的东西会让你做好准备.

  4. 边工作边锻炼. 在你的工作日中加入一些健康的活动. Take walking breaks or walk and talk during your meetings, 在休息沙巴足球体育平台做些瑜伽或伸展运动.

  5. 安排它. 没有沙巴足球体育平台进行体育活动? Set an alarm on your phone or schedule it on your calendar – and treat it like any other important appointment.

  6. 善待你的脚. 让你的脚开心 (along with your knees and legs) so you can move more without discomfort.

  7. 设定目标. 有一个承诺或目标,比如 每周至少运动150分钟,将帮助你保持在正轨上. Share it with others to keep yourself accountable. 如果你是竞争型的, 虚拟挑战好友, family or coworkers and see who can consistently meet their goals over time.

  8. Go mobile. 接电话? 言行一致——在你的社区. If you use a headset or earbuds make sure you can still hear traffic.

  9. 加快步伐. 走路时, 跑步或骑自行车, increase your speed from leisurely to brisk or choose a route with more hills or inclines. 或者交替进行中等强度和剧烈强度的锻炼. You’ll get a more intense workout in the same amount of time.

  10. Buddy up. Find a physical activity accountability partner and ask a friend to virtually hold you to your deadlines can also help you reach your fitness goals.

  11. 健康第一. 改变你家庭的日常生活. Join your kids for a bike ride or jump rope before starting on homework and chores. 你们都会感觉更好,思维也会更好!

  12. 时机决定一切. If you find you’re better at sleeping in than making it to that morning workout, 试着每天都活跃起来 一天中的不同沙巴足球体育平台.

  13. Just dance. Clear some space, put on some music, and take a dance break! It can re-energize a work meeting, study session, lazy Sunday or game night. Let each person take a turn as DJ so everyone’s favorites get played.

  14. 暂时搁置屏幕. Instead of heading right for the TV or game console after dinner, make that family activity time. Take a walk, practice a sport, or play a game of tag or hide-and-seek.

  15. 做一个积极的家长. Experts say that what kids want more than anything else is time with their parents. To give them that, don’t just send them out to play — 去和他们一起玩!

  16. 进行更温和的锻炼. Try mindful movement like yoga, tai chi or qi gong. These gentle mind-body practices may leave you less stressed and can be done just about anywhere.

  17. 压力不是不锻炼的借口. 有规律的体育活动可以帮助你 管理压力睡得更好,精力更充沛.

  18. 在看电视的时候收听健身节目. Walk or jog in place or on a treadmill, lift weights, or do yoga while you watch your favorite shows. Break up a TV binge with a bit of activity between episodes. Or challenge the kids to see who can do the most burpees, 在广告沙巴足球体育平台做俯卧撑或开合跳.

  19. 做你喜欢的事. 找到适合你个性的活动 激励你坚持下去. 如果你是一个社交型的人, try joining a virtual exercise class or calling up a friend to workout together. If you prefer time alone, yoga or running might be a better fit for you.

  20. 制作积极的家务卡片. Let each family member draw a card each day with a different active task that needs to be done. 晚饭后的清洁, 遛狗, 把垃圾倒出去, folding laundry and unloading the dishwasher are all good ways to get your family up off the couch – and get the chores done.

  21. 为一项事业积极起来. If you live to help others, active community events like the 心走 are a great way to do something healthy while giving back. Some even offer fitness training, team opportunities and prizes!

  22. 改变约会之夜. An evening out with your spouse or bestie doesn’t have to mean dinner and a movie. Keep a list of activities that would be fun to do together, 喜欢步行, bowling, 迷你高尔夫, dancing, 室内攀岩, 或者呼啦圈! 要有创造力——可能性是无限的.

  23. 适合步行. Being more active doesn’t have to take up a lot of time. You can 任何时候都可以散步, anywhere, and every minute counts toward your goal of at least 150 minutes per week.

  24. 热身去热身. A proper 热身(和冷却)  能帮助你提高柔韧性,避免受伤吗. You’ll feel better after every workout and be more likely to stick with it.

  25. 这是狗的生活. A dog can be a great walking or running companion.

  26. 移动任何地方. 创建你自己的 电路的锻炼 at home! No equipment needed, just a little willpower and creativity.